NECTAR is the Network for Early Career Teachers, Academics and Researchers at The Australian National University (ANU), an initiative led by and for early-career academics (ECAs). All self-identifying ECAs of ANU are invited to participate in NECTAR activities and initiatives.

NECTAR is dedicated to enabling ECAs to realise their vision by:

  • supporting diverse ECA initiatives
  • providing and promoting opportunities for career development and connectivity via collaborative, cross-College frameworks
  • creating a supportive peer-to-peer space for ECAs at ANU.
The key purposes of NECTAR are:
  1. To develop the ideas and build the confidence of ECAs at ANU.
  2. To work closely with the University to help foster amongst ECAs the skills and knowledge necessary for a successful future.
  3. To maintain a direct channel of communication with the University Executive. Since 2011, NECTAR has cultivated an open and constructive dialogue with the University Executive to allow ECAs to contribute to shaping the identity of the University and to ensure that the University's strategic goals remain dynamic and relevant.
  4. To foster open communication and collaboration across campus between ECAs and the broader University community, including networking, research collaboration and social activities.

Principally, NECTAR operates thanks to the voluntary participation of engaged ECAs who meet and collaborate on a regular basis to develop and support NECTAR activities and keep the Network alive. These active members of NECTAR are called NECTAR Custodians. The Custodians and the network are led by the NECTAR Co-Chairs, elected ECA representatives.

In addition to the NECTAR Custodians and Co-Chairs, NECTAR aims to build a network of School Representatives who help foster exchange of knowledge regarding ECA development and support with NECTAR and across all areas of the University.

Crucial to the operation of NECTAR is financial support of the University towards the salary of a Coordinator to facilitate NECTAR's key initiatives and events and a second staff member who delivers the NECTAR Mentoring Program. Learn more about the team in the NECTAR Office.

NECTAR is also supported by University House and the University House Early Career Fellows.


How can you get involved?

NECTAR events are open to all self-identifying ECAs as well as all staff and HDR candidates who find them relevant. Subscribe to the NECTAR Newsletter to learn more about our events and initiatives. Some events require registration.

If you would like to get involved in shaping NECTAR and its activities by joining the Custodian or School Representatives team, and invest your service to the University, please get in touch with the NECTAR team or submit your Expression of Interest here.