NECTAR's 10 Year Journey & Achievements
2008 – The concept was formed at a Leadership course for early-career academics
Participants lead idea creation for NECTAR: Jochen Brocks, Nicolas Cherbuin, Daniela Rubatto, Jochen Trumpf, and later joined by Sabrina Caldwell, wrote a funding proposal. Why did thet create NECTAR, what were they thinking? Find it out:
Watch full video on Youtube, here.

2011 – Funding from ANU Executive commenced, for a facilitated network
Annual NECTAR Retreats – with direct discussion with executives

2012 – The inaugural NECTAR Retreat was held

2013 – NECTAR helped reinstating the ANU ECA Travel Grants

2014 – NECTAR contributed to the development of the University House Early Career Academic Fellows (ECAFs) program to provide peer-support and networking for ECAs.

2014 – NECTAR started to provide support to localised ECA communities across the ANU, including, but not limited to, The Canberra Hospital, the Research School of Biology and the Research School of Physics

2016 – Started contributing to the ANU Strategic Plan development

2017 – ANU Future Scheme changed to allow internal applicants
5 of the 37 ANU Grand Challenges 2017 were collaborations formed at NECTAR events

2017, 2018, 2021 – Collaboration Across Boundaries Conferences

2019 – NECTAR established continuing funding

2020 – Engaged the ANU College Deans in Panel discussions